What clients are saying about their sessions with Rhonda

We are doing really well with the Imago Relationship therapy and other tools, so our relationship is getting better and better. I think we'll be ok for the moment but we know you're on hand for any emergencies or bigger things that'll come up. It feels a bit sad that I won't be seeing you for a bit. Just want to say a huge and heartfelt thank you for all your help and healing. We are in a completely different place this year than last, I'm so glad we met and got to work with you. We are going strong now thanks to all your 'Rhonda' tools and beautiful energy....sending you so much love and gratitude.
Nicole (Melbourne)
Mum & Real Estate Industry
I want to thank you for everything you did for me because it really made a difference to my life. To be able to understand the reasons behind why I think and react the way I do gave me the logic I needed to enable me to put things into perspective. Along with the work Paul did with you, it allowed us to get back to where we both want to be. As you said, by me healing my deeper issues it's allowed Paul to heal too. Paul and I have been fortunate to share a lot of love together for a long time which is what gave us both the desire and motivation to repair our relationship. I believe we have now strengthened our bond beyond what it even was before.
So Rhonda you have had a huge impact on my life, you were my fairy God-mother with the magic wand who facilitated me finding my happiness again and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
* This couple worked individually with me to make these changes rather than attending together as a couple.
Barb (Melbourne)
Our five years with Rhonda have seen the most difficult and wonderful moments of our life and relationship. Rhonda has guided us with great love and diplomacy. On many occasions one of us have felt ready to give up, in these moments Rhonda has been our strength, supporting us where we needed it most. Her intuitive gifts offer beautiful direction enabling a natural flow during sessions whilst keeping the intent pure and clear.
We feel blessed to have Rhonda in our lives. She is a true, kind soul with great empathy, intelligence, light and love. Our lives are all the more enriched for knowing her.
James and Bec (Queensland)
Commercial Manager and Book Keeper
My initial contact with Rhonda was to resolve an issue with a VERY frustrating family member. I had wasted a lot of energy and many hours of my life stewing on this person and my relationship with them.
In our very first session, Rhonda was able to help me get to work on overcoming the exhausting, energy zapping roundabout of negative energy I had been on for years.
She has a naturally warm, empathetic, engaging style and at all times I felt totally safe and comfortable.
I have been able to shift significantly and now have the tools to deal with "tricky" people I may encounter in my personal and professional life.
Another wonderful surprise was that Rhonda also provides intuitive business coaching which has been invaluable for me. I was in a bit of a rut with my business and she has helped me get back on track and reap the rewards.
I value her work so much that I book a regular, monthly coaching session and look forward very much to our meetings.
I cannot recommend Rhonda highly enough. If you are serious about improving your emotional wellbeing and sorting through "stuff" then Rhonda is your person.
She is a rare gem!
Teresa (Melbourne)
Corporate Trainer
My partner and I were referred to Rhonda from a close friend at a very critical (and heated) moment in our relationship. We had been working and living overseas largely isolated from our support network and were experiencing some key issues with our communication and with the alignment of our goals - whilst also trying to navigate some material issues that we couldn’t seem to resolve. Rhonda took our case (and very inconvenient time-zones) in both one-on-one and couples sessions remotely, and helped us work proactively through our communication styles and the ways we were habitually dealing with our issues. This helped us address the communication in our relationship, our motivations, and the assumptions we’d made about the other in the process of our 8 year relationship at the time - to the extent that we were able to resolve a lot of the issues that were holding us back as a couple. We now have a beautiful family, a stronger relationship and a lot of helpful tools to help us navigate and communicate through the trickier times. We’d both highly recommend Rhonda and her approach to counselling for any couples who are looking to go deeper into themselves and invest in the relationship they’re building together.
Rob & Andrea (New York, California and Amsterdam)
Events Management & Accounting
Finding Rhonda was the answer to my prayers. Her manner was soothing, understanding and reassuring. She took me on paths I had never travelled and taught me to listen to my spirit guides and inner child. It was a combination of faith and trust and skills, or should I say wisdom which Rhonda possesses which helped me understand my daughter and husband to make all our lives more joyful. Rhonda also used Polarity therapy to assist energy flow in my leg effected with lymph-oedema (fluid build up) and Bowen Therapy on my frozen shoulder to give me more mobility and less pain.
Rhonda has helped me on my path to self knowledge and true peace and happiness. I will miss her greatly.
Robyn (Sydney)
When I first began seeing Rhonda I had never experienced any sort of therapy before so was a little apprehensive as to what would be involved in a session. Rhonda instantly put me at ease and made me feel very comfortable. The impact she has had on my life has been quite extraordinary, giving me insights into myself and my life choices, why I am who I am and what factors have influenced my life, has allowed me to the necessary changes to pursue the life that I desire.
Paul (Melbourne)
Customs Manager
What I appreciate most is the very safe and compassionate space Rhonda holds. This allows me to explore some of the deepest, rawest and sensitive parts of myself…eventually re-patterning those aspects with new, mature and healthy perspectives; it’s a thoroughly somatic experience. Rhonda masterfully uses her intuition and different modalities in her healing, including a lot of Body Psychotherapy. My progress has been so profound that I have been inspired to start training as a Body Psychotherapist. Ultimately my happiness and vitality has improved through bringing all parts back to me, owning all of them.
For anyone wanting to do the deep lasting work on themselves, I highly recommend Rhonda.
Chris (Melbourne)
Rhonda has been like a trusted friend to me - supporting me through the many ups and downs of life. Demonstrative of the value I place on our sessions I followed her from Sandringham to Mount Eliza to continue our work! Not only does Rhonda have a plethora of qualifications to leverage but her innate ability of creating a safe space to explore any facet of life is strongly held with love and care but without judgement. With her assistance I have learnt so much about myself and have been able to harness my strengths whilst exploring my weaknesses in an effort to continue along the path of self growth and fulfilment. She encourages you to go after your dreams and live your best life!
Kimberley (Melbourne)
General Manager
I have been seeing Rhonda for 18 months and have found her to be a warm and compassionate person.
Her sessions though sometimes challenging, have seen me grow into a better version of myself.
Rhonda has given me confidence and an insightfulness that I aim to use every day. She has helped me become a calmer and more intuitive person.
As a result I have recommended her to 3 of my family members who have all had positive experiences.
I am very glad that Rhonda is in my life.
Sue (Melbourne)
Mum & Home Maker

Sessions are conducted
online via Zoom, Skype, Messenger or FaceTime.
Please call 0408 -090 490 for more information and bookings.